• Bastille Day Celebration- July 14th

    The Twinning Association of Pontardawe warmly invites all to a Cheese and Wine Evening to celebrate Bastille Day.

    Come and find out about our upcoming events and celebrate Bastille Day in style.
    Friday 14th July 7:30 pm @ Cefn Llan Community Centre £3 entry- Bring your own Wine


  • Twinning Success

    What an amazing weekend with our wonderful friends from Locmine. Huge thanks to all who made this visit such a success. Saturday saw an early start and visit to the National Botanical gardens of Wales, where we joined the Llanarthne Dancers and performed Welsh and Breton dances. A quick explore of the greenhouse, butterfly house and maze and a demonstration of duck herding by a dog display team. On to Llandeilo for a delicious picnic in the Civic Hall. After some fancy driving down narrow lanes then on to Dinefwr House for an explore around the grounds, large house and cafe. With the nice weather, Sunday was a day for relaxing or walking. One group went for a walk to the local waterfalls. The afternoon was spent in Clyne gardens completing the Easter Egg olympics, where some suspicious boules activity saw the Welsh team beating the team from Locmine- Hooray! The final soiree was help in teh Glynclydach Couach house, where we enjoyed a carvery, twmpath and singing performances from our Members Lynne and new member Seren. All in all a fantastic weekend with plenty of wonderful memories.

    Vivre Le Jumelage!

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  • *Meeting 29th June*

    Reminder to all Ponty Twinners, see you next week for our meeting. Don’t forget we will be getting “all crafty” and selling anything home-made during our summer events so time to get busy making, baking or sewing. x

  • *URGENT* Can you help?

    Our Friends from Locmine are due on the 14th April, but unfortunately one of our host families is unable to host due to ill health. If you are able to host a wonderful couple from Brittany for the weekend, with wonderful events planned, ending with a fantastic twmpath with delicious evening meal, please get in touch with us urgently xx

  • Locmine Friends Visiting- Hosts Needed

    FB_IMG_1439414337018Can you Help?  ?

    Dear All,

    Our wonderful friends from Locmine will be with us from the Friday 14th April and will be departing on Monday 17th April in the morning.

    As always we are asking if you are able to host a visitor or visitors during their stay here. We will arrange a program of events in the upcoming weeks and we hope to see you at the next meeting in the Cefn Llan Community Centre on the 26th.

    For now, we have just confirmed our party will be held again in the Glyn Clydach Coach House on the 25th.

    For more information about what is involved with hosting or to confirm that you are able to host, Please contact Lynfa and Trevor Lewis, tel: 01792 482702, or email trevorroylewis@yahoo.co.uk

    Happy New Year!

  • Christmas Celebration and AGM: Saturday 3rd December


    The Twinning Association of Pontardawe

    Warmly Invites All to

    A Christmas Dinner and AGM

    Saturday 3rd December

    7 pm for 7:30 Start

     Cefn Llan Community Centre


      Parma ham and Melon

    Turkey, ham and all the trimmings

    Christmas pudding and other delicious treats

    Cheese and biscuits

    Tea and Coffee

    Bring your own wine/ soft drinks


    Adult £12.50        Children £6

    Please confirm your places asap



    Martin: 07837 883542


  • Cheese and Wine and a trip!

    We had a lovely Cheese and Wine night last Thursday! Great to see so many new faces and meet up with the gang.Thanks to all involved for your hard work in making it a success. Handed out itineraries and arranged to meet on the 20th October at 12:30 pm for our trip to Locmine. 18 days to go..xxx

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  • Cheese and Wine Evening- Sept 29th @ 7pm

    The Twinning Association of Pontardawe 

    Warmly invites all to a Cheese and Wine Evening.Come and find out about our upcoming trip and meet new friends.
    Thursday 29th September, 7pm @ Cefn Llan Community Centre Tickets £3.50
    To confirm your place:
    Phone: 01639 769241
    Email: trevorroylewis@yahoo.co.uk
    Or send us a message on Facebook

    cheese and wine

    To download our poster to help spread the word, please click on the link below:

    cheese and wine night 2016

  • Ponty Summer Festival Celebration

    Thank you to all our lovely volunteers who sewed, baked, made and painted beautiful things to sell at our stall in the Pontardawe Summer Festival. We raised a fantastic £90 and met many friends and spread the word about our Association!

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  • Ponty Summer Fest Call to Action

    Calling all sewers, bakers and fun-makers, We will be having a stall in the Pontardawe Summer Fest on the 20th August. We will have home-made stuff on our stall to buy and win. If you can make, bake, draw, sew items for our fund raising, please let us know. Alternatively if you just want to come down on the day, to help out or spread the word, it would be lovely to see you there and enjoy the live music events. 


    Sock bunnies at the ready!