• Sad News

    Very sad to bring the news that long standing member and twinning supporter, Gwen Jones passed away on Sunday morning. Our love and condolences to Malcolm and family. Gwen helped make all our social events special with her warmth, kindness and gentle humour.

    Out of respect,we will be cancelling our Bastille day celebration on Sunday 17th at Aberavon Beach and for those who wish, we will be meeting for cake and coffee at Remos at 4 pm this Sunday.
    God bless Gwen x

  • Taste-tastic Curry Night

    Lovely curry night in the Indian Cottage last night. Great catching up with friends and meeting a few new buddies along the way.

    See you on again on Sunday 17th July for our beach party to celebrate Bastille day. Buckets and BBQ a must x



  • Change of October Trip Date 20th – 24th

    Due to issues with booking a ferry for our trip in October, we have been forced to change the dates. We will now be leaving Pontardawe on Thursday 20th October and returning on Monday 24th October. Places are still available now, please contact us to confirm you wish to join us for a wonderful holiday. For full contact details,Click here

  • Locmine Trip Oct 21st- 25th Invite

    If you would like to visit the real Brittany and experience true French culture, travel to the small picturesque town of Locmine, enjoy visits to local attractions and evening social events.

    The Twinning Association of Pontardawe warmly invites the young, young at heart, singles, couples, students and families with children to join our regular visit to Locmine.

    Whether you wish to try delicious specialties of the region or improve your French, your stay in your local hosts’ homes will ensure your holiday is unforgettable.

    locmine beach

    This all inclusive trip costs only £130 per adult and £65 per child, travelling by coach and ferry with cabin.

      For further information or to book your place, click here for contact details.

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  • St Davids Day Celebration

    Brilliant St. Davids Day Celebration on the 3rd March. Clive and Lynne made a delicious lamb cawl which was enjoyed by all, topped off a selection of french cheeses and a welsh cake. We also wished Heather all the very best for her upcoming wedding in a few weeks.20160303_204111

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  • St. David’s Day Supper Invite

    Hello All, Brilliant meeting last week and planned our schedule for the year including our trip to Locmine in October. Hooray! We will not be having a meeting in at the end of February as our St. David’s Day Celebrations are the week after.

    A warm welcome to all to join us for our St David’s Day Supper on lewis cuteMarch 3rd at Cefn Llan Community Centre. Homemade Cawl and all the trimmings. Come celebrate with us and find out more about our trip to Locmine.
    To book your place for the St David’s Day supper, please email Martin Ellis, martinellis22@yahoo.co.uk

  • First Meeting of 2016 – Jan 28th

    Hi all,
    A belated Happy New Year to you all!
    We have our first monthly meeting this coming Thursday night at 7.30 Cefn Llan Community centre.

    We’ll be discussing our exciting plans for 2016 so come along if you have any great ideas! It’ll be great to catch up with you all.

    Looking forward to seeing you and planning our trip to Locmine in October,

  • Christmas Celebrations

    Lovely Christmas celebration yesterday. Brilliant team work to make a delicious meal, fabulous table decorations, lovely singing from Lewis, Lynne and Mike, funny quiz with Rose and Randall and the company of good friends. We toasted friends near and far, sent our prayers for those who’ve recently passed away and thanked every one for their hard work yesterday and to the committee for their dedication over the year. Martin was voted in as Chair person unanimously and all other positions stayed the same with Kathy as vice-chair, Lynfa and Trevor Lewis’ are joint hosting officers, Malcom as treasurer, the Evans’ manage the 100 club. The position of Youth Ambassador was created for Lewis, with his mandate to find new younger members!
    A great night out and positive plans for the future.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all at Pontardawe!

  • Christmas Dinner Plans

    Fantastic meeting tonight, planning our Christmas meal on Saturday 5th December. All are welcome to join us for a full Christmas dinner with all the trimmings, french cheeses and 3 types of dessert. Live music and fun quiz. Can’t wait! If you’d like to come along please let us know asap. Contact details  can be found here 

  • Visiting Locmine October Half Term 2016

    After a very positive meeting with Pontardawe Committee, which has been confirmed by our friends in Locmine, we will be travelling to France in October Half Term 2016. We will be having further meetings on the last Thursday of every month to chose exact dates and plan our journey. If you would like to come along to help us plan or would just like to confirm your place on the trip, please get in touch here