We had a lovely Cheese and Wine night last Thursday! Great to see so many new faces and meet up with the gang.Thanks to all involved for your hard work in making it a success. Handed out itineraries and arranged to meet on the 20th October at 12:30 pm for our trip to Locmine. 18 days to go..xxx
Cheese and Wine and a trip!
Cheese and Wine Evening- Sept 29th @ 7pm
The Twinning Association of Pontardawe
Warmly invites all to a Cheese and Wine Evening.Come and find out about our upcoming trip and meet new friends.
Thursday 29th September, 7pm @ Cefn Llan Community Centre Tickets £3.50
To confirm your place:
Phone: 01639 769241
Email: trevorroylewis@yahoo.co.uk
Or send us a message on FacebookTo download our poster to help spread the word, please click on the link below:
Change of October Trip Date 20th – 24th
Due to issues with booking a ferry for our trip in October, we have been forced to change the dates. We will now be leaving Pontardawe on Thursday 20th October and returning on Monday 24th October. Places are still available now, please contact us to confirm you wish to join us for a wonderful holiday. For full contact details,Click here
Locmine Trip Oct 21st- 25th Invite
If you would like to visit the real Brittany and experience true French culture, travel to the small picturesque town of Locmine, enjoy visits to local attractions and evening social events.
The Twinning Association of Pontardawe warmly invites the young, young at heart, singles, couples, students and families with children to join our regular visit to Locmine.
Whether you wish to try delicious specialties of the region or improve your French, your stay in your local hosts’ homes will ensure your holiday is unforgettable.
This all inclusive trip costs only £130 per adult and £65 per child, travelling by coach and ferry with cabin.
For further information or to book your place, click here for contact details.
Visiting Locmine October Half Term 2016
After a very positive meeting with Pontardawe Committee, which has been confirmed by our friends in Locmine, we will be travelling to France in October Half Term 2016. We will be having further meetings on the last Thursday of every month to chose exact dates and plan our journey. If you would like to come along to help us plan or would just like to confirm your place on the trip, please get in touch here
Our July Staycation Success
Our Locmine friends arrived in Pontardawe about 6 pm on Saturday evening amid a typical welsh downpour which featured strongly throughout the visit. Our friends were introduced to their host families and were spirited away for a lovely evening meal and rest after their long but comfortable journey. On Sunday, those brave enough to ve
nture out in the rain, went down to the Wales’ National Airshow in Swansea Bay. Some families planned their own activities with walks, kayaking, Roller Derby and shopping on the cards. There was much to see and do in the Airshow, with many intersting stalls and displays of military equipment to climb on and explore. However there was a distinct lack of aerial activity due to the poor weather! Not being beaten by this turn of events, the children put on a fantastic paper airplane show following the group picnic which was kindly hosted by Swansea University
The soiree was held later that evening in the Glynclydach Coach House, with live blue grass music with a few guest appearances. It was a brilliant event with over 110 people celebrating everything Celtic and enjoying the great company. It was lovely to see the large group of children and teenagers playing, singing and socialising together in the true spirit of twinning friendship. On Monday, after a minor hiccup and quick dash by Martin, we visited the beautiful Castell Coch. It was great to explore immaculately preserved castle and climb the spiral staircases. A quick journey to the centre of Cardiff for a late lunch and a spot of shopping and back home for a meal and an evening of fun with our frie
Tuesday, with yet more rain, we cancelled our walk around Pontardawe with a tour by the historical society, opting instead with a small talk and film in the arts centre, with delicious home made welsh cakes and cream teas from the cafe. Our friends then got on their bus and left Pontardawe at about 2 pm amid another great downpour!
It was a very successful visit and a big thank you to the host families and committee members for all your hard work. Our friends thoroughly enjoyed their time with us and are looking forward to hosting us in the future.
Our Guests Arrive
Our friends from Locmine arrived on Friday afternoon, after a good journey, by coach and ferry and a peaceful sleep in their cabins. It was home for a meal and a rest, with a short drinks reception to officially welcome our friends to Wales. The following day we were shown around the Neath Port Talbot Council chambers, where the council kindly gave gifts to the children who were there. We then headed to Catwg Primary School, Cadoxton, Neath. The school is twinned with a local school near Locmine and the school choir performed a medley of songs in English, welsh and sign language which was greatly enjoyed by all. The children enjoyed performing for the French children and their parents and hope to join us in future twinning events. Over the next few days we enjoyed trips to local sites such as the 1940s museum, Penderryn Whiskey Distillery and Big Pit. Our main evening event was held in the old Town Hall, Neath with delicious food, local entertainment and a good chance to get to know our French friends. It was a short but busy trip
A Trip to France with a Difference
My family and I had visited France a few times staying in the usual touristy destinations, but we felt we’d never experienced “Real France” In the Pontardawe Festival, we were invited to join a group holiday with a difference to a small town in Brittany called Locmine. A few short months later, we boarded the coach in Pontardawe with lovely mix of people including families, students, and groups of friends young and old. After a relaxing night sleep in our cabin in the overnight ferry crossing, we completed our journey by coach to Locmine where we were met by our friendly French host families. It didn’t us into their home and made us feel like part of their family
We rejoined the group for a range of daily trips to explore Breton life, which of course included great food and fine wine. We visited the beautiful coast line, historic walled towns like Vannes and Lorient, local festivals and walks in the countryside. We also went to a fantastic museum which contained mechanised animals that you could ride including a 20 meter tall elephant! My 6 year old son, really enjoyed the activities, and was soon happily playing with the local children and spending time with our host family. Our hosts organised a final evening gathering for the whole group, with delicious food, live music, dancing and much toasting to our new good friends.This year, I invite you to join us for this all inclusive holiday. Fund raising throughout the year allows us to keep our prices down to an affordable level for all sized pockets. Please Contact us (link to page) to register your interest
Visit from France
Hi All,
Our friends from France will be coming to see us from Saturday July 11th – Tuesday July 14th. We are in the process of planning a busy programme for their trip. If you have any brilliant ideas, would like to host some friends or just want to come along to an event, we’d love to hear from you.