• Christmas Dinner Plans

    Fantastic meeting tonight, planning our Christmas meal on Saturday 5th December. All are welcome to join us for a full Christmas dinner with all the trimmings, french cheeses and 3 types of dessert. Live music and fun quiz. Can’t wait! If you’d like to come along please let us know asap. Contact details  can be found here 

  • Visiting Locmine October Half Term 2016

    After a very positive meeting with Pontardawe Committee, which has been confirmed by our friends in Locmine, we will be travelling to France in October Half Term 2016. We will be having further meetings on the last Thursday of every month to chose exact dates and plan our journey. If you would like to come along to help us plan or would just like to confirm your place on the trip, please get in touch here

  • Christmas is Coming …

    The Twinning Association of Pontardawe


    Warmly Invites All to

    Christmas Dinner


    Saturday 5th December

    7 pm

     Cefn Llan Community Centre



    Buffet Style Dinner; Ham, turkey and all the trimmings!

    Christmas pudding, cakes and a selection of cheese.

    Tea and Coffee

    Bring your own wine/ soft drinks


    Adult £12

    Child £6

    Please confirm your place by 27th November

    Contact: Kathy Springthorpe tel: 07852385588

    Email: Kathmlewis@yahoo.co.uk

  • Car Treasure Hunt Results

    Fantastic fun around Pontardawe and surrounding areas. Thank you to Martin and Anne for all their hard work. It really was a brilliant event. Everyone was able to complete the treasure hunt and arrived at the destination, albeit marriage, friendship and navigational skills being put to the test!

    Well done to the winning team, “The Three Amigos”

    A well deserved drink!

    A well deserved drink!

    Go Team!

    Go Team!

    The Winners of the Treasure Hunt

    The Winners of the Treasure Hunt

    Trying to bribe Martin

    Trying to bribe Martin

  • Car Treasure Hunt Fun

    Calling all detectives, eagle eyes brainiacs and funsters young and young at heart! Come along to our car treasure hunt on Sunday 25th October at 2 pm. Starting point @ Lidls car park, where you will recieve clues and instructions. £5 per car.

    Let the games commence!


  • Ponty Summer Fest Fun

    With the fine weather, there were lots of visitors to the Ponty Summer Fest this year, With our stall, selling t-shirts and fantastic art work, we were able to attract interest and share the brilliant stories from our exchanges, as well as raise funds for our visit next year. Good Work everyone!

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  • Raising Money Madness

    This coming year, we would like to raise money to continue to work of the Association. So far, the suggestions are a pub quiz, curry night, treasure hut and stalls at local events such as the Ponty Summer festival. We also hope to make and sell items like promotional shopping bags with our Twinning Logo on. If you have any brilliant ideas or would like to help out, come along to one of our monthly meetings which are held in the Cefn Llan Community Centre on the last Thursday of every  month at 7:30 pm. Refreshments provided.

  • St Davids Day Celebration

    Nearly 50 members came together to celebrate St. David’s Day and raise money for the Association. Lynne and Clive made a fantastic cawl, with an army of supporters providing delicious cakes, French and Welsh cheeses and other tasty treats.

    Trevor provided a challenging pub quiz of all things Welsh which was hotly contested, but in the end was won by Lynne and Clive by the tie break question by correctly guessing how many likes our Facebook page has.

    The prize was a welsh rugby ball, signed by rugby star, Shane Williams. All in all, it was a great night, with excitement rising about seeing our friends from Locmine in a couple of months.

  • Join us for a perfect “staycation”

    If you love Wales and would like the opportunity to show others what makes this country so special, join the Twinning Association of Pontardawe and host a visitor from Brittany in July.

    We warmly invite the young and young at heart, singles, couples, students and families with children to get involved and celebrate all things Celtic with a full programme of events, busy day trips and brilliant evening entertainment.

    The ability to speak French is not a requirement and host families are carefully matched to enable visitors to enjoy the experience of short term emersion in Welsh family life. Whether you are able to host 1 person or a family or would just like to come along to our social events, please contact us (link to contact us page)

    Tour Dates: 11th – 14 July